The MOTOR Aircraft Repair Enterprise is the legal successor of the small state enterprise MOTOR established in 1990 on the basis of the engine workshop of the 41 Civil Aviation plant.
In 1989, General Directorate of Aircraft Exploitation (GUERAT) and Maintenancein cooperation with the Ministry of Aviation Industry decided to transfer AI-9, AI-8 APU repairing works from the 410 Civil Aviation plant in Kiev to the 41 Civil Aviation plant. In 1989-1990410 Civil Aviation plant handed over all design engineering documentation, bench equipment, and technological equipment to repair AI-9, AI-8 APU. Specialists who work in repairing were trained and certified at Civil Aviation plant 410.
In 1990 Civil Aviation plant 41 started to repair AI-8, AI-9 aircraft engines. In November 1990, the interdepartmental commission consisting of leading specialists of Civil Aviation plant 410, ZPO Motorostroitel, GUERAT MGA allowed 41 Civil Aviation plant to begin the serial overhaul of the AI-9, AI-8 APU. Later this motor production plant was transformed into an independent enterprise: Small State Enterprise (MGP) MOTOR. In 1991, the Head of the Department of Airworthiness Support of Civil Aircraft and Technical Development of theCivil AviationV.V. Gorlov and Vice-Minister V.M. Chuyko made the decision to organize repair works of AI-9V APU at our enterprise. This decision was coordinated by the management of ZPO Motorostroitel and ZMKB Progress. According to this decision, in 1992 our enterprise mastered the repair of the AI-9V APU, missing facilities were made, test bench was modernized, and the design engineering documentation was purchased.
In 1996 MGP MOTOR was privatized and became into Aircraft repair enterprise MOTOR LTD.
Our company has repaired approximately 300 AI-8 APU, 1635 engines of AI-9 APU, 2300 engines of AI-9V APU over years of work. Our clients are operating airline companies, from all regions of Russia and abroad. Our constant partners are all the CIS countries, Lithuania, Slovakia, China, South-East Asia.
Thorough troubleshooting of aircraft, professionalism in technical solutions, high quality of engine testing are traditional for our enterprise.
The commitment to our slogan "Guarantee of safety and quality" is proved by the fact that throughout the entire period of work there was not any aviation accident due to the fault of Aircraft Repair Enterprise MOTOR.
Our enterprise is constantly looking for new ways of applying its technical potential by exploring new areas of activity.
In 1997, Aircraft Repair Enterprise MOTOR began to design and manufacture agricultural equipment. Gas-dynamic facilities "Taifun" and "Taifun-M" for disperse chemical and biological treatment of agricultural land and farm buildings were designed and manufactured by AI-9 APU.
Today, Aircraft Repair MOTOR Ltd. is a modern company that has necessary infrastructure, production facilities, dataware and highly qualified specialists with a certified quality management system. There is a documented quality management system for the repair of aviation equipment in the enterprise.
The enterprise has experience of repairing APU for CIS and other foreign countries. Prices of the AI-9, AI-9V APU repair, and maintenance of the AN-2 aircraft are set upon the agreement with the client. There is a flexible system of discounts for regular customers.