Our company has necessary managerial, engineering and technical manpower, technological facilities and equipment required to perform the planned amount of work in overhaul of aircraft engines in accordance with the "Guidelines for overhaul" created by AO Motor Sich.
Repair of aircraft engines is organized by the flow line method in our enterprise. To perform all the technological processes, we havespecialized sections at the main production line, Machine Trial Station, production preparation areas (disassembling, washing), EDM (for maintenance, repair of technological facilities, equipment, tools).
The technical diagnosis system of the enterprise is based on the following principles:
• centralized methodological and technical management of technical diagnosis;
• constant control over completeness of technical diagnosis of the object being repaired, technical condition of the testing equipment, professional training and scrupulousness of personnel that perform the object diagnosis;
• centralized information collection and processing according to the results of technical diagnosis and development of corrective measures.
The following types of tests are used for technical diagnosis:
• non-destructive testing;
• visual examination;
• dimensional examination.
Repaired units and aircraft engines are tested on the unit testing rigs and Machine Trial Station in accordance with the test program regulated by the technical documentation.
Stability of the technological process is ensured by established standards of the enterprise, and system of periodic checks andelimination of deviations. Timely organizational and technical measures provide necessary correction and improvement of the technological process.